Females raising arms during meditation in nature

Welcome to

Yoga Meet-Ups

Free Yoga In Buitenveldert

Nataliia Bortnichenko

my name is Nataliia. I am Founder & Yoga Teacher of Yoga MeetUps -

FREE YOGA CLASSES organised with the support of Amsterdam Municipality for the ​neighbourhood of Buitenveldert (Buurtbudget).

I was born in Ukraine. In 2015, together with my husband, we moved to the Netherlands, ​where our two daughters were born.

In 2002 I started to teach yoga, organise retreats & festivals In Europe, India & Tibet.

For me, Yoga is more than just practice to keep up with great mental and physical health. It ​is also a way to develop emotional intellect & establish deeper contact with people around. ​My favorite yoga style is Family Acro Yoga, which I plan to teach at the Festival in July.

I invite you to try it yourself on Yoga MeetUps - Yoga Events, which are unique in their cosy, ​relaxed and friendly atmosphere.


Yoga Practice

Every class at Yoga MeetUps is FREE of charge and open for ​everyone.

The practice is adjusted in accordance with request of each ​participant & intended to promote body-wellbeing, emotional ​balance and inner piece.

At the end of each lesson you can expect a session of deep relaxation ​followed by sharing circle with tea & snacks.

You are welcome to share, to just stay in silence or to leave if you want.

The classes are tought in English.

Family acro yoga classes are specially developed for parents and kids ​of 3 to 6 y.o. Yoga is presented in fun way to bring more connction ​and have good time together. It is tought in dutch+english.

People in Yoga Class Doing a Namaste Mudra Hand Position

For whom are Yoga ​Meet Ups?

Yoga MeetUps is open and FREE of ​charge YOGA class for everyone.

Everyone is most welcome to join, also ​kids 7+ if you are sure they are able to ​practice or just stay in silence.

If you have serious health condition, we ​recommend you to discuss with your ​healthcare provider if yoga is suitable for ​you.

Woman Sitting with Her Eyes Closed

Share, express yourself,

request or give support

Active Females Practicing Yoga at the Beach

Every person is unique, valuable & ​appreciated.

Together we create a safe space where ​every participant is welcome to share ​and express yourself.

After Yoga class feel free to share with ​others about yourself, just stay in ​silence or leave when you feel it’s time ​to go.

People Meditating in a Yoga Class

Your contribution

can make a difference.

If you would like to to contribute & help with ​arranging food, teaching classes, playing ​music, presenting your own project or other ​things that you might consider to be interesting ​or beneficial for the community - most ​welcome!

Yoga Festival

6 July 2024

De Meditatietuin

  • yoga classes of local teachers
  • parent-kid acro yoga (3-12 y.o.)
  • tasty tea & healthy snacks
  • mantra concert from Dana Devi

Festival is FREE & OPEN for everyone.

After registration you will receive ​program and detailed information on ​your e-mail.

Mature Women Enjoying Holiday Breakfast
Friends with a Dog at an Outdoor Gathering
Group of women dancing with raised hands during aerobic class

Festival - 6 July 2024

Free & Open to Everyone!

in De MeditatieTuin

Icon of a Circle

Nataliia Bortnichenko

family acro yoga (3-6)


Icon of a Circle

Burcin Ozyurek

yin-yang yoga flow


Icon of a Circle

Dana Devi

mantra concert


Icon of a Circle

Rembert Petrus

Iyengar yoga

11.30 - 12.15

Contact & Address

Nataliia Bortnichenko

Whats app

+31 6 19 25 67 57 (WhatsApp)

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Yoga Spot - Arent Janszoon Ernststraat 665a 1082 LG Amsterdam

De BosHalte - Bosbaanweg 1, 1182 DA Amstelveen

Dynamo Meergeneratieplein Goudestein - Landskroon 90, 1081 CD Amsterdam
